Are Electric Scooter Batteries Replaceable? And How Much?

Are Electric Scooter Batteries Replaceable? And How Much?

As with all batteries, electric scooters will eventually wear out as the efficiency of the scooter declines, but if you really enjoy the individual scooter you have, then you might be wondering whether you can replace the battery. So, are electric scooter batteries replaceable?

Electric scooter batteries are replaceable, and can easily be replaced using the right tools. Depending on type of battery, expect to pay between $100 to $700 for a replacement. To replace, turn off e-scooter, remove the panel, disconnect and uninstall the old battery, then replace it with a new battery.

It can often be a difficult decision whether to replace the battery on your old scooter or simply invest in a new one, but this post should help your decide which path is right for you.

Can You Replace Electric Scooter Batteries?

One downside of the batteries in electric scooters is that they lose a tiny amount of residual charge each time they are used. In fact, batteries such as lithium ion suffer from time-related aging. This causes the capacity to fall from the moment the electric scooter leaves the factory.

As an example, this results in a fully charged lithium ion battery to lose upwards of 20% of its capacity per year.

This, in conjunction with general wear and tear, renders the battery ineffective over time. The good news is, these batteries can be replaced simply by removing the top or bottom panel and replacing the old battery with a new one.

Of course, you’ll need to look at the specs of your electric scooter to see what type of battery it runs on. The most common battery types used in an e-scooter are: Lithium-ion (Li-ion), Sealed Lead-Acid, and Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH).

The best way to effectively replace your battery is to contact the dealer who sold you the electric scooter in the first place. Contacting the dealer or company who gave you the e-scooter in the first place is the best way to get the exact battery model needed.

Sometimes, however, it’s better to simply replace the electric scooter altogether, since the battery is often the most expensive component. Not to mention technology has evolved so fast it’s likely your current electric scooter is far behind in terms of performance.

How to Replace Electric Scooter Batteries

So now you know the answer to are electric scooter batteries replaceable, how should you go about replacing it?

Replacing your electric scooter battery is quite simple and shouldn’t take too long to do. Always make sure that your electric scooter is off before you start and that you’ve purchased the correct battery.

It’s worth noting that any service center will be able to install the battery for you for a small fee.

If you’re doing it yourself, here are the tools you will need to get the job done:

  • Screwdriver
  • 4mm and/or 8mm allen wrench
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Electrical tape
  • Zip ties

First, start by removing the top or bottom panel inside the deck. Remove the old battery carefully from the scooter and disconnect any contacts from the battery.

Next, install your new battery in place and hook up the connects in the same place as the old battery.

Finally, shut the lid again and test to see if the new battery is operating properly. If all is working, go ahead and tighten the top or bottom panel. That’s it!

Final Thoughts

If your battery is losing it’s charge faster and faster each use, and you don’t feel like shelling out the cash for a new e-scooter, and your feeling handy, replacing it is a breeze. All you need is the right tools and about an hour of your time.

Have you replaced the battery in your e-scooter? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments below!

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